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Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 99 - 110, 27.07.2018


Giriş ve Amaç: 3B (üç boyutlu) baskı
materyalleri ilerleyen tıbbi görselleştirmenin kullanımıyla birlikte sağlık
bakım hizmetlerinde, eğitimde ve araştırma alanlarında hızla yaygınlaşmaktadır.
Bu çalışmanın amacı; 3B yazdırma teknolojilerinin sağlık alanında kullanımını
tanıtmak, hemşirelik mesleğinde kullanım ilişkisini açıklamak ve ülkemizde ve
dünyada nasıl kullanıldığını incelemektir. Yöntem:
3B yazıcı, teknoloji, sağlık alanı, hemşirelik anahtar kelimeleri kullanılarak
Google akademik, pubmed arama motorları kullanılarak son on yılda yapılan
çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Bulgular:
Yapılan literatür incelemesi sonucunda 3B yazdırma teknolojilerinin
eczacılık, cerrahi
uygulama, medikal enstrüman, simülatör üretimi, ortez-protez üretimi, organ ve
doku üretimi, sağlık eğitimi gibi alanlarda kullanımının yaygın olduğu
saptanmıştır. Tartışma ve Sonuç: Son
yıllarda baskı teknolojisindeki ve bilgisayar yazılımlarındaki ilerlemeler
sonucunda 3B  yazıcılar farklı
sektörlerde varlığını ortaya koyarak kullanımı ve yaygınlığı giderek
artmaktadır. Standart ve alışılagelen endüstriyel tasarım ve üretim anlayışının
dışında yeni bir üretim modeli olan hızlı prototipleme gelişmektedir. Hızlı
prototipleme ile sektörlere ve kişilere yönelik ihtiyaca özel, düşük maliyetli
üretim imkanı, bireysel yaratıcılıkların ve yeni fikirlerin ortaya çıkmasına
neden olmaktadır. Çalışmada 3B yazdırma teknolojilerinin sağlık alanında
kullanılabilirliği üzerine bir araştırma yapılmıştır. 3B yazdırma
teknolojilerinin eğitimindeki teknik, sağlık, hemşirelik ve sosyal bilimler alanlarında
kullanılabileceği, bunun sonucunda öğrencilerin daha becerili, teknik ve
donanımlı hale gelerek hemşirelik uygulamalarında olumlu etkisi olacağı


  • [1] Aydın L, Küçük S. Üç boyutlu yazıcı ve tarayıcı ile hastaya özel medikal ortez tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2017;20(1).[2] Chimento J, Jason Highsmith M, Crane N. 3D printed tooling for thermoforming of medical devices. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2011;17(5):387-392.[3] Malik HH, Darwood AR, Shaunak S, Kulatilake P, Abdulrahman A, Mulki O, Baskaradas A. Three-dimensional printing in surgery: a review of current surgical applications. Journal Of Surgical Research. 2015;199(2):512-522.[4] Vaezi M, Kai Chua C, Meng Chou S. Improving the process of making rapid prototyping models from medical ultrasound images. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2012;18(4):287-298.[5] VanKoevering KK, Morrison RJ, Prabhu SP, Torres MFL, Mychaliska GB, Treadwell M C, Green GE. Antenatal three-dimensional printing of aberrant facial anatomy. Pediatrics. 2015;136(5):e1382-e1385.[6] Olla P. Opening Pandora’s 3D printed box. Technology and Society Magazine. 2015;34(3):74-80.[7] D’Aveni R. The 3-D printing revolution. Harvard Business Review. 2015;41-48.[8] Palousek D, Rosicky J, Koutny D, Stoklásek P, Navrat T. Pilot study of the wrist orthosis design process. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2014;20(1):27-32.[9] Lee J, Cuddihy MJ, Kotov NA. Three-dimensional cell culture matrices: state of the art. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. 2008;14(1): 61-86.[10] Sezer H, Şahin H, 3D baskı materyalinin eğitimde kullanımı: Qua vadis?. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2016; (46).[11] Buckley T, Gordon C. The effectiveness of high fidelity simulation on medical–surgical registered nurses' ability to recognise and respond to clinical emergencies. Nurse Education Today. 2011;31(7):716-721.[12] Kroll E, Artzi D. Enhancing aerospace engineering students' learning with 3D printing wind-tunnel models. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2011;17(5):393-402.[13] Cantinotti M, Valverde I, Kutty S. Three-dimensional printed models in congenital heart disease. The International Journal Of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2017;33(1):137-144.[14] Campbell T, Williams C, Ivanova O, Garrett B. Could 3D printing change the world? Technologies, potential, and implications of additive manufacturing. Atlantic Council. Washington. October,2011. [15] Aydın L., Küçük S., Kenar H. Design and Construction Of A 3d Bioprinter For Bioprinting Of Tissues and Organs. Tıp Tekno. 2015;153-157.[16] Demir EBK, Çaka C, Tuğtekin U, Demir K, İslamoğlu H, Kuzu A. Üç boyutlu yazdırma teknolojilerinin eğitim alanında kullanımı: Türkiye’deki uygulamalar. Ege Eğitim Dergisi. 2016;2(17):481-503.[17] Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Persiani F, Benazzi S, Gruppioni G. 3D restitution, restoration and prototyping of a medieval damaged skull. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2008;14(5):318-324.[18] Jirman R, Horák Z, Mazánek J, Reznícek J. Individual replacement of the frontal bone defect: case report. Prague Med Rep. 2009; 110:79-84.[19] Klein GT, Lu Y, Wang MY. 3D printing and neurosurgerydready for prime time? World Neurosurg. 2013; 80:233.
  • [20] Ayoub AF, Rehab M, O’Neil M, Khambay B, Ju X, Barbenel J, Naudi K. A novel approach for planning orthognathic surgery: the integration of dental casts into three-dimensional printed mandibular models. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2014;43(4):454-459.[21] Lioufas PA, Quayle MR, Leong JC, McMenamin PG. 3D printed models of cleft palate pathology for surgical education. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2016;4(9).[22] Emre Ş, Yolcu MB, Celayir S. Üç boyutlu yazıcılar ve çocuk cerrahisi. Çocuk Cerrahi Dergisi. 2015;29(3):77-82.[23] Sugand K, Abrahams P, Khurana A. The anatomy of anatomy: a review for its modernization. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2010;3(2):83-93.[24] Murphy SV, Atala A. 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs. Nature biotechnology. 2010;32(8):773-785.[25] Starosolski ZA, Kan JH, Rosenfeld SD, Krishnamurthy R, Annapragada A. Application of 3-D printing (rapid prototyping) for creating physical models of pediatric orthopedic disorders. Pediatr Radiol. 2014;(44):216.
  • [26] AbouHashem Y, Dayal M, Savanah S, Štrkalj G. The application of 3D printing in anatomy education. Medical Education Online. 2015;20(1):29847.[27] Tominaga T, Takagi K, Takeshita H, Miyamoto T, Matsuo A, Shimoda K, Nagayasu T. Usefulness Of three-dimensional printing models for patients with stoma construction. Case Reports Ingastroenterology. 2016;10(1):57-62.[28] Faustini M.C., Neptune R.R., Crawford R., Stanhope S., Branch P.D. Selective Laser Sintering Of Passive Dynamic Ankle-Foot Orthoses. In Proceedings of the 17th Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Symposium, The University of Texas. 2006;Austin:14-16.[29] Singare S, Dichen L, Bingheng L, Zhenyu G, Yaxiong L. Customized design and manufacturing of chin implant based on rapid prototyping. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2005;11(2):113-118.[30] Gerrand C., 3D printing: a clinician’s experience. The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2014;96(7):230-231.[31] Jirman R, Horak Z, Mazanek J, Reznicek J. Individual replacement of the frontal bone defect: case report. Prague Med Rep 2009; 110:79.[32] Schmauss D, Gerber N, Sodian R. Three-dimensional printing of models for surgical planning in patients with primary cardiac tumors. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013;145:1407.
  • [33] Spottiswoode BS, Van Den Heever DJ, Chang Y, et al. Preoperative three-dimensional model creation of magnetic resonance brain images as a tool to assist neurosurgical planning. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2013; 91:162.
  • [34] Niikura T, Sugimoto M, Lee SY, Sakai Y, Nishida K, Kuroda R, Kurosaka M. Tactile surgical navigation system for complex acetabular fracture surgery. Orthopedics. 2014;37(4):237-242.[35] Rankin TM, Giovinco NA, Cucher DJ, Watts G, Hurwitz B, Armstrong DG. Three-dimensional printing surgical instruments: are we there yet?. Journal of Surgical Research. 2014;189(2):193-197. [36] Lo´pez-Arcas JM, Arias J, Del Castillo JL, et al. The fibula osteomyocutaneous flap for mandible reconstruction: a 15-year experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010; (68):2377.[37] Levine JP, Patel A, Saadeh PB, Hirsch DL. Computer-aided design and manufacturing in craniomaxillofacial surgery: The new state of the art. J Craniofac Surg 2012;(23):288.[38] Akpek A. Triküspit kalp kapakçıklarının üç boyutlu (3B) biyobaskı metotları ile fabrikasyonu. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2017; DOI: 10.19113/sdufbed.57066[39] Olivieri LJ, Su L, Hynes CF, Krieger A, Alfares FA, Ramakrishnan K, Nath DS. “Just-in-time” simulation training using 3-d printed cardiac models after congenital cardiac surgery. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. 2016;7(2):164-168.[40] Astin F, Carroll DL, Ruppar T, Uchmanowicz I, Hinterbuchner L, Kletsiou E, Ketchell A. A core curriculum for the continuing professional development of nurses: developed by the education committee on behalf of the council on cardiovascular nursing and allied professions of the ESC. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2015;14(3):190-197.[41] Öztunç G. Hemşireliğin Doğası. In: Aşti TA, Karadağ A, eds. Hemşirelik Esasları, Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı, Akademi Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 2012. s.26[42] Penedo RM, Spiri WC. Meaning of the systematization of nursing care for nurse managers. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. 2014;27(1):86-92.[43] Göriş S, Bilgi N, Korkut Bayındır S. Hemşirelik eğitiminde simülasyon kullanımı. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. (2014);4(2):25-29.[44] Canter CE, Shaddy RE, Bernstein D, Hsu DT, Chrisant MR, Kirklin JK, Boucek MM. Indications for heart transplantation in pediatric heart disease. Circulation. 2007;115(5):658-676.[45] Ziv A. Simülators and Simulation- Based Medical Education. In: Dent J, Harden RM, eds. A Practical Guide for Medical Teacher. London: Elsevier limited. 2005;211–220.[46] Costello JP, Olivieri LJ, Krieger A, et al. Utilizing three-dimensional printing technology to assess the feasibility of high-fidelity synthetic ventricular septal defect models for simulation in medical education. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2014; 5:421–426.[47] Biglino G, Capelli C, Despina K, Robertshaw D, Leaver LK, et al. Use of 3d models of congenital heart disease as an education tool for cardiac nurses. Congenital Heart Disease. 2016; 12:113–118.[48] Cubinter-Yerli 3D Modelleme Uygulaması. Accessed November 18, 2017.[49] Mavromanolakis G. Three Dimensional Printing Technology In Science And Engineering Education. A Best-Practice: Study, Design And 3D Print An Operational Model Of A 2000 Year-Old Computer. Proceedings of International Conference: Future of Education, 5th Edition. Floransa, İtalya. 2015:167-172[50] McMenamin PG, Quayle MR, McHenry CR, Adams JW. The production of anatomical teaching resources using three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2014;7(6):479-486.[51] Kim MS, Hansgen AR, Carroll JD. Use of rapid prototyping in the care of patients with structural heart disease. Trends In Cardiovascular Medicine.2008; 18(6):210-216.
Year 2018, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 99 - 110, 27.07.2018



  • [1] Aydın L, Küçük S. Üç boyutlu yazıcı ve tarayıcı ile hastaya özel medikal ortez tasarımı ve geliştirilmesi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2017;20(1).[2] Chimento J, Jason Highsmith M, Crane N. 3D printed tooling for thermoforming of medical devices. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2011;17(5):387-392.[3] Malik HH, Darwood AR, Shaunak S, Kulatilake P, Abdulrahman A, Mulki O, Baskaradas A. Three-dimensional printing in surgery: a review of current surgical applications. Journal Of Surgical Research. 2015;199(2):512-522.[4] Vaezi M, Kai Chua C, Meng Chou S. Improving the process of making rapid prototyping models from medical ultrasound images. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2012;18(4):287-298.[5] VanKoevering KK, Morrison RJ, Prabhu SP, Torres MFL, Mychaliska GB, Treadwell M C, Green GE. Antenatal three-dimensional printing of aberrant facial anatomy. Pediatrics. 2015;136(5):e1382-e1385.[6] Olla P. Opening Pandora’s 3D printed box. Technology and Society Magazine. 2015;34(3):74-80.[7] D’Aveni R. The 3-D printing revolution. Harvard Business Review. 2015;41-48.[8] Palousek D, Rosicky J, Koutny D, Stoklásek P, Navrat T. Pilot study of the wrist orthosis design process. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2014;20(1):27-32.[9] Lee J, Cuddihy MJ, Kotov NA. Three-dimensional cell culture matrices: state of the art. Tissue Engineering Part B: Reviews. 2008;14(1): 61-86.[10] Sezer H, Şahin H, 3D baskı materyalinin eğitimde kullanımı: Qua vadis?. Tıp Eğitimi Dünyası. 2016; (46).[11] Buckley T, Gordon C. The effectiveness of high fidelity simulation on medical–surgical registered nurses' ability to recognise and respond to clinical emergencies. Nurse Education Today. 2011;31(7):716-721.[12] Kroll E, Artzi D. Enhancing aerospace engineering students' learning with 3D printing wind-tunnel models. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2011;17(5):393-402.[13] Cantinotti M, Valverde I, Kutty S. Three-dimensional printed models in congenital heart disease. The International Journal Of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2017;33(1):137-144.[14] Campbell T, Williams C, Ivanova O, Garrett B. Could 3D printing change the world? Technologies, potential, and implications of additive manufacturing. Atlantic Council. Washington. October,2011. [15] Aydın L., Küçük S., Kenar H. Design and Construction Of A 3d Bioprinter For Bioprinting Of Tissues and Organs. Tıp Tekno. 2015;153-157.[16] Demir EBK, Çaka C, Tuğtekin U, Demir K, İslamoğlu H, Kuzu A. Üç boyutlu yazdırma teknolojilerinin eğitim alanında kullanımı: Türkiye’deki uygulamalar. Ege Eğitim Dergisi. 2016;2(17):481-503.[17] Fantini M, De Crescenzio F, Persiani F, Benazzi S, Gruppioni G. 3D restitution, restoration and prototyping of a medieval damaged skull. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2008;14(5):318-324.[18] Jirman R, Horák Z, Mazánek J, Reznícek J. Individual replacement of the frontal bone defect: case report. Prague Med Rep. 2009; 110:79-84.[19] Klein GT, Lu Y, Wang MY. 3D printing and neurosurgerydready for prime time? World Neurosurg. 2013; 80:233.
  • [20] Ayoub AF, Rehab M, O’Neil M, Khambay B, Ju X, Barbenel J, Naudi K. A novel approach for planning orthognathic surgery: the integration of dental casts into three-dimensional printed mandibular models. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2014;43(4):454-459.[21] Lioufas PA, Quayle MR, Leong JC, McMenamin PG. 3D printed models of cleft palate pathology for surgical education. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2016;4(9).[22] Emre Ş, Yolcu MB, Celayir S. Üç boyutlu yazıcılar ve çocuk cerrahisi. Çocuk Cerrahi Dergisi. 2015;29(3):77-82.[23] Sugand K, Abrahams P, Khurana A. The anatomy of anatomy: a review for its modernization. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2010;3(2):83-93.[24] Murphy SV, Atala A. 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs. Nature biotechnology. 2010;32(8):773-785.[25] Starosolski ZA, Kan JH, Rosenfeld SD, Krishnamurthy R, Annapragada A. Application of 3-D printing (rapid prototyping) for creating physical models of pediatric orthopedic disorders. Pediatr Radiol. 2014;(44):216.
  • [26] AbouHashem Y, Dayal M, Savanah S, Štrkalj G. The application of 3D printing in anatomy education. Medical Education Online. 2015;20(1):29847.[27] Tominaga T, Takagi K, Takeshita H, Miyamoto T, Matsuo A, Shimoda K, Nagayasu T. Usefulness Of three-dimensional printing models for patients with stoma construction. Case Reports Ingastroenterology. 2016;10(1):57-62.[28] Faustini M.C., Neptune R.R., Crawford R., Stanhope S., Branch P.D. Selective Laser Sintering Of Passive Dynamic Ankle-Foot Orthoses. In Proceedings of the 17th Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) Symposium, The University of Texas. 2006;Austin:14-16.[29] Singare S, Dichen L, Bingheng L, Zhenyu G, Yaxiong L. Customized design and manufacturing of chin implant based on rapid prototyping. Rapid Prototyping Journal. 2005;11(2):113-118.[30] Gerrand C., 3D printing: a clinician’s experience. The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2014;96(7):230-231.[31] Jirman R, Horak Z, Mazanek J, Reznicek J. Individual replacement of the frontal bone defect: case report. Prague Med Rep 2009; 110:79.[32] Schmauss D, Gerber N, Sodian R. Three-dimensional printing of models for surgical planning in patients with primary cardiac tumors. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013;145:1407.
  • [33] Spottiswoode BS, Van Den Heever DJ, Chang Y, et al. Preoperative three-dimensional model creation of magnetic resonance brain images as a tool to assist neurosurgical planning. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. 2013; 91:162.
  • [34] Niikura T, Sugimoto M, Lee SY, Sakai Y, Nishida K, Kuroda R, Kurosaka M. Tactile surgical navigation system for complex acetabular fracture surgery. Orthopedics. 2014;37(4):237-242.[35] Rankin TM, Giovinco NA, Cucher DJ, Watts G, Hurwitz B, Armstrong DG. Three-dimensional printing surgical instruments: are we there yet?. Journal of Surgical Research. 2014;189(2):193-197. [36] Lo´pez-Arcas JM, Arias J, Del Castillo JL, et al. The fibula osteomyocutaneous flap for mandible reconstruction: a 15-year experience. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2010; (68):2377.[37] Levine JP, Patel A, Saadeh PB, Hirsch DL. Computer-aided design and manufacturing in craniomaxillofacial surgery: The new state of the art. J Craniofac Surg 2012;(23):288.[38] Akpek A. Triküspit kalp kapakçıklarının üç boyutlu (3B) biyobaskı metotları ile fabrikasyonu. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2017; DOI: 10.19113/sdufbed.57066[39] Olivieri LJ, Su L, Hynes CF, Krieger A, Alfares FA, Ramakrishnan K, Nath DS. “Just-in-time” simulation training using 3-d printed cardiac models after congenital cardiac surgery. World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery. 2016;7(2):164-168.[40] Astin F, Carroll DL, Ruppar T, Uchmanowicz I, Hinterbuchner L, Kletsiou E, Ketchell A. A core curriculum for the continuing professional development of nurses: developed by the education committee on behalf of the council on cardiovascular nursing and allied professions of the ESC. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2015;14(3):190-197.[41] Öztunç G. Hemşireliğin Doğası. In: Aşti TA, Karadağ A, eds. Hemşirelik Esasları, Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı, Akademi Yayıncılık, İstanbul. 2012. s.26[42] Penedo RM, Spiri WC. Meaning of the systematization of nursing care for nurse managers. Acta Paulista de Enfermagem. 2014;27(1):86-92.[43] Göriş S, Bilgi N, Korkut Bayındır S. Hemşirelik eğitiminde simülasyon kullanımı. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi. (2014);4(2):25-29.[44] Canter CE, Shaddy RE, Bernstein D, Hsu DT, Chrisant MR, Kirklin JK, Boucek MM. Indications for heart transplantation in pediatric heart disease. Circulation. 2007;115(5):658-676.[45] Ziv A. Simülators and Simulation- Based Medical Education. In: Dent J, Harden RM, eds. A Practical Guide for Medical Teacher. London: Elsevier limited. 2005;211–220.[46] Costello JP, Olivieri LJ, Krieger A, et al. Utilizing three-dimensional printing technology to assess the feasibility of high-fidelity synthetic ventricular septal defect models for simulation in medical education. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2014; 5:421–426.[47] Biglino G, Capelli C, Despina K, Robertshaw D, Leaver LK, et al. Use of 3d models of congenital heart disease as an education tool for cardiac nurses. Congenital Heart Disease. 2016; 12:113–118.[48] Cubinter-Yerli 3D Modelleme Uygulaması. Accessed November 18, 2017.[49] Mavromanolakis G. Three Dimensional Printing Technology In Science And Engineering Education. A Best-Practice: Study, Design And 3D Print An Operational Model Of A 2000 Year-Old Computer. Proceedings of International Conference: Future of Education, 5th Edition. Floransa, İtalya. 2015:167-172[50] McMenamin PG, Quayle MR, McHenry CR, Adams JW. The production of anatomical teaching resources using three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2014;7(6):479-486.[51] Kim MS, Hansgen AR, Carroll JD. Use of rapid prototyping in the care of patients with structural heart disease. Trends In Cardiovascular Medicine.2008; 18(6):210-216.
There are 5 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Meltem Kürtüncü

Nurten Arslan

Birgül Yaylacı This is me

Nurdeniz Eyüpoğlu This is me

Publication Date July 27, 2018
Submission Date May 9, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Kürtüncü, M., Arslan, N., Yaylacı, B., Eyüpoğlu, N. (2018). SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, 2(2), 99-110.
AMA Kürtüncü M, Arslan N, Yaylacı B, Eyüpoğlu N. SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR. IJ3DPTDI. July 2018;2(2):99-110.
Chicago Kürtüncü, Meltem, Nurten Arslan, Birgül Yaylacı, and Nurdeniz Eyüpoğlu. “SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2, no. 2 (July 2018): 99-110.
EndNote Kürtüncü M, Arslan N, Yaylacı B, Eyüpoğlu N (July 1, 2018) SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2 2 99–110.
IEEE M. Kürtüncü, N. Arslan, B. Yaylacı, and N. Eyüpoğlu, “SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR”, IJ3DPTDI, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 99–110, 2018.
ISNAD Kürtüncü, Meltem et al. “SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry 2/2 (July 2018), 99-110.
JAMA Kürtüncü M, Arslan N, Yaylacı B, Eyüpoğlu N. SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR. IJ3DPTDI. 2018;2:99–110.
MLA Kürtüncü, Meltem et al. “SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR”. International Journal of 3D Printing Technologies and Digital Industry, vol. 2, no. 2, 2018, pp. 99-110.
Vancouver Kürtüncü M, Arslan N, Yaylacı B, Eyüpoğlu N. SAĞLIKTA GELİŞEN TEKNOLOJİ: ÜÇ BOYUTLU YAZICILAR. IJ3DPTDI. 2018;2(2):99-110.


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