Research Article
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Year 2009, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 119 - 123, 30.12.2010



  • Andersen, B.B., Korbo, L., Pakkenberg, B., 1992. A quantitative study of the human cerebellum with unbiased stereological techniques. J. Comp. Neurol. 326, 549-560.
  • Con, N., Canbilen, A., Bradley, P.M., 2003. Quantitative features of the nucleus rotundus in the brain of pre and post hatch chicks. Dev. Brain Res.146, 71-77.
  • Covens, A.L., Nisker, J. A., Chapman, W. B., 1987. Uterine sarcoma: an analysis of 74 cases. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 156, 370- 374.
  • Gray, T., 1996. Quantitation in histopathology. In: Bancroft JD, Stevens A, eds. Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. New York: Churchill Livingstone. 641-673.
  • Gundersen, H. J., Bagger, P., Bendtsen, T. F., 1988. The new stereological tools: disector, fractionator, nucleator and point sampled intercepts and their use in pathological research and diagnosis. APMIS. 96, 857-881.
  • Gundersen, H. J. G., Jensen, E. B., 1987. The efficacy of systematic sampling in stereology and its prediction. J. Microsc. 147, 229- 263.
  • Gundersen, H. J. G., 1977. Notes on the estimation of the numerical density of arbitrary particles: the edge effect. J. Microsc. 111, 219-223.
  • Gundersen, H. J. G., 1986. Stereology of arbitrary particles. A review of unbiased number and size estimators and the presentation of some new ones, in memory of William R. Thompson. J. Microsc. 143, 3-45.
  • Hart, W. R., Billman, J. K. 1978. A reassessment of uterine neoplasms originally diagnosed leiomyosarcomas. Cancer. 41, 1902- 1910.
  • Hendricso, M., Kempson, R. L., 1995. Pure mesenchimal neoplasms of the uterine corpus. In: Fox H, Wells M, eds. Haines&Taylor Obstetrical and Gynecological Pathology. New York: Churchill Livingstone. 511-586.
  • Howard, C. V., Reed, M. G., 1998. Unbiased Stereology: Three dimensional measurement in microscopy, Oxford: Bios Scientific Publishers.
  • King, M. E., Dickerssin, G. R., Scully, R. E., 1982. Myxoid leiomyosarcoma of the uterus: a report of six cases. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 6, 589-598.
  • Larson, B., Silfversward, C., Nilsson, B., 1990. Prognostic factors in uterine leiomyosarcoma. A clinical and histopathological study of 143 cases. The Radiumhemmet series 1936-1981. Acta. Oncol. 29, 185-191.
  • Layfield, L. J., Liu, K., Dodge, R., 2000. Utility of classification by proliferation, ploidy, and prognostic markers versus traditional histopathology. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 124, 221-227.
  • Leibsohn, S., d’Ablaing, G., Mischell, D. R., 1990. Leiomyosarcoma in a series of hysterectomies performed for presumed uterine leiomyomas Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 162, 968-974.
  • Mayerhofer, K., Obermair, A., Windbichler, G., 1999. Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus: A clinicopathologic multicenter study of 71 cases. Gynecol. Oncol. 74, 196-201.
  • Marshall, R. J., Braye, S. G., Jones, D. B., 1986. Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus with giant cells resembling osteoclasts. Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol. 5, 260-268.
  • Mehring, P. M., 2003. Alterations in the female reproductive system. In: Carol P, Gaspard Kathryn J, eds. Essentials of Pathophysiology. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 602-626.
  • Robboy, S. J., Bentley, R. C., Butnor, K., 2000. Pathology and pathophysiology of uterine smooth-muscle tumors. Environ Health Perspect. 108, 779-844.
  • Rosai, J., 2004. Surgical Pathology. Edinburg: Mosby.
  • Sahin, B., Aslan, H., Unal, B., 2001. Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry: a stereological study. Image Anal. Stereol. 20, 9-13.
  • Zaloudek, C., Hendricson, M. R., 2002. Mesenchimal tumors of the uterus. In: Kurman RJ, ed. Blaustein’s Pathology of the Female Genital tract. New York: Springer-Verlag. 561-615.

A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study

Year 2009, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 119 - 123, 30.12.2010


Leiomyoma is a common benign tumor of the genital system; diseases and other types of smooth muscle tumors in females is called leiomyosarcoma. The diagnosis of these tumors is based on differentiation of the degree of cellularity and cytological atypia, presence of necrosis and particularly the mitotic index. A treatment procedure is proposed regarding to the diagnosis of leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma. There is no exact agreement on diagnosis of these tumors and the available methods are biased and dependent on the judgment of the observers. Our aim is to evaluate the leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma type of tumors using design-based stereological methods. The number of cells showing mitosis within a reference volume was determined to diagnose the type of tumor as leiomyoma or leiomyosarcoma. Numerical density of mitotic figures was 8000-9000/mm3 for leiomyoma, 10.000-11.000/mm3 for leiomyoma with high mitotic activity, and 30.000-31.000/mm3 for leiomyosarcoma. The difference between leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma was significant (p<0.001). These results show that the proposed method of providing the numerical density of mitosis for the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma is unbiased, objective, and reliable. Moreover the method is more effective and easier to use than a morphometric method.


  • Andersen, B.B., Korbo, L., Pakkenberg, B., 1992. A quantitative study of the human cerebellum with unbiased stereological techniques. J. Comp. Neurol. 326, 549-560.
  • Con, N., Canbilen, A., Bradley, P.M., 2003. Quantitative features of the nucleus rotundus in the brain of pre and post hatch chicks. Dev. Brain Res.146, 71-77.
  • Covens, A.L., Nisker, J. A., Chapman, W. B., 1987. Uterine sarcoma: an analysis of 74 cases. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 156, 370- 374.
  • Gray, T., 1996. Quantitation in histopathology. In: Bancroft JD, Stevens A, eds. Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. New York: Churchill Livingstone. 641-673.
  • Gundersen, H. J., Bagger, P., Bendtsen, T. F., 1988. The new stereological tools: disector, fractionator, nucleator and point sampled intercepts and their use in pathological research and diagnosis. APMIS. 96, 857-881.
  • Gundersen, H. J. G., Jensen, E. B., 1987. The efficacy of systematic sampling in stereology and its prediction. J. Microsc. 147, 229- 263.
  • Gundersen, H. J. G., 1977. Notes on the estimation of the numerical density of arbitrary particles: the edge effect. J. Microsc. 111, 219-223.
  • Gundersen, H. J. G., 1986. Stereology of arbitrary particles. A review of unbiased number and size estimators and the presentation of some new ones, in memory of William R. Thompson. J. Microsc. 143, 3-45.
  • Hart, W. R., Billman, J. K. 1978. A reassessment of uterine neoplasms originally diagnosed leiomyosarcomas. Cancer. 41, 1902- 1910.
  • Hendricso, M., Kempson, R. L., 1995. Pure mesenchimal neoplasms of the uterine corpus. In: Fox H, Wells M, eds. Haines&Taylor Obstetrical and Gynecological Pathology. New York: Churchill Livingstone. 511-586.
  • Howard, C. V., Reed, M. G., 1998. Unbiased Stereology: Three dimensional measurement in microscopy, Oxford: Bios Scientific Publishers.
  • King, M. E., Dickerssin, G. R., Scully, R. E., 1982. Myxoid leiomyosarcoma of the uterus: a report of six cases. Am. J. Surg. Pathol. 6, 589-598.
  • Larson, B., Silfversward, C., Nilsson, B., 1990. Prognostic factors in uterine leiomyosarcoma. A clinical and histopathological study of 143 cases. The Radiumhemmet series 1936-1981. Acta. Oncol. 29, 185-191.
  • Layfield, L. J., Liu, K., Dodge, R., 2000. Utility of classification by proliferation, ploidy, and prognostic markers versus traditional histopathology. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 124, 221-227.
  • Leibsohn, S., d’Ablaing, G., Mischell, D. R., 1990. Leiomyosarcoma in a series of hysterectomies performed for presumed uterine leiomyomas Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 162, 968-974.
  • Mayerhofer, K., Obermair, A., Windbichler, G., 1999. Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus: A clinicopathologic multicenter study of 71 cases. Gynecol. Oncol. 74, 196-201.
  • Marshall, R. J., Braye, S. G., Jones, D. B., 1986. Leiomyosarcoma of the uterus with giant cells resembling osteoclasts. Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol. 5, 260-268.
  • Mehring, P. M., 2003. Alterations in the female reproductive system. In: Carol P, Gaspard Kathryn J, eds. Essentials of Pathophysiology. New York: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 602-626.
  • Robboy, S. J., Bentley, R. C., Butnor, K., 2000. Pathology and pathophysiology of uterine smooth-muscle tumors. Environ Health Perspect. 108, 779-844.
  • Rosai, J., 2004. Surgical Pathology. Edinburg: Mosby.
  • Sahin, B., Aslan, H., Unal, B., 2001. Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry: a stereological study. Image Anal. Stereol. 20, 9-13.
  • Zaloudek, C., Hendricson, M. R., 2002. Mesenchimal tumors of the uterus. In: Kurman RJ, ed. Blaustein’s Pathology of the Female Genital tract. New York: Springer-Verlag. 561-615.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Surgery Medical Sciences

Önder Şahin This is me

Cemal Gündoğdu This is me

Bunyami Ünal This is me

Huseyin Aslan This is me

Bunyamin Şahin This is me

Suleyman Kaplan

Publication Date December 30, 2010
Submission Date April 20, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Şahin, Ö., Gündoğdu, C., Ünal, B., Aslan, H., et al. (2010). A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, 26(3), 119-123.
AMA Şahin Ö, Gündoğdu C, Ünal B, Aslan H, Şahin B, Kaplan S. A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study. J. Exp. Clin. Med. December 2010;26(3):119-123.
Chicago Şahin, Önder, Cemal Gündoğdu, Bunyami Ünal, Huseyin Aslan, Bunyamin Şahin, and Suleyman Kaplan. “A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 26, no. 3 (December 2010): 119-23.
EndNote Şahin Ö, Gündoğdu C, Ünal B, Aslan H, Şahin B, Kaplan S (December 1, 2010) A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 26 3 119–123.
IEEE Ö. Şahin, C. Gündoğdu, B. Ünal, H. Aslan, B. Şahin, and S. Kaplan, “A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study”, J. Exp. Clin. Med., vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 119–123, 2010.
ISNAD Şahin, Önder et al. “A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine 26/3 (December 2010), 119-123.
JAMA Şahin Ö, Gündoğdu C, Ünal B, Aslan H, Şahin B, Kaplan S. A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2010;26:119–123.
MLA Şahin, Önder et al. “A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study”. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, vol. 26, no. 3, 2010, pp. 119-23.
Vancouver Şahin Ö, Gündoğdu C, Ünal B, Aslan H, Şahin B, Kaplan S. A New Approach For Dıagnosıs Of Leıomyoma And Leıomyosarcoma: A Stereologıcal Study. J. Exp. Clin. Med. 2010;26(3):119-23.