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Süreç iyileştirmede problem çözme teknikleri

Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 192 - 200, 30.09.2018


Sürekli olarak koşulların değiştiği ve küreselleşen dünyada kurumların rekabet edebilmeleri her geçen gün zorlaşmaktadır. Aynı zamanda sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini artırırken maliyetleri düşürmek için de daha hızlı hareket edilmelidir. Hızlı hareket etmek için hizmet sürecinde ortaya çıkan problemler hızla çözülmelidir. Problemlerin çözümünde problemi tanımlamak, veri toplamak, analiz etmek ve yorumlamak için birçok yöntem kullanılır. Ancak problem çözme yöntemlerine geçmeden önce “problem” kelimesi iyi tanımlanmalıdır. 

Problem; bireyin zihnini karıştırarak rahatsız edip ve mutluluğunu bozan olaylardır. Aynı zamanda bireyin ve kurumun etkinliğini bozarak amaca ulaşmasını engeller.  Amaca yönelik çabaları engelleyen olaylar da kurum için problemdir. Bunların dışında üretim veya hizmet sürecinde müşteri ya da hizmet alanı memnun etmeyen her durumdur.

Problemin tanımı, problem çözmenin temel noktasını oluşturur. İyi tanımlanmış bir problem araştırmanın yarısını gerçekleştirmek demektir. Bir problemin ancak %15 i görünür diğer kısmı araştırıldıkça ortaya çıkar. Tanımı yapıldıktan sonra uygun problem çözme yöntemleri, süreçleri görüntülemek ve herhangi bir süreçten kaynaklanan bir problemi çözmek için destek sağlar.

Sürekli iyileştirme kapsamında problem çözüm tekniklerinin çalışanlar tarafından başarılı bir şekilde uygulanması gerekir. Kurum içindeki tüm çalışanların katılımıyla, hizmet ve süreçlerde doğru kararlar alabilmek için ana sebeplerin ve çözümlerinin doğru olarak teşhis edilmesi kurumda kalitenin sürekliliğini sağlar.


  • 1. Adams, E. & Barnas K. (2014); “Beyond Heroes - Sağlık Sektörü İçin Yalın Yönetim Sistemi”, Çevirmen: Ayşe Soydan, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • 2. Antonacci, G., Reed, JE., Lennox, L., Barlow, J. (2018). The use of process mapping in healthcare quality improvement projects. Health Services Management Research, 31 (2), 74-84
  • 3. Baulcomb, S. J. (2003). Management of change through force field analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 275-280
  • 4. Bogh SB, Blom A, Raben DC, Braithwaite J, Thude B, Hollnagel E, Plessen CV. (2018) Hospital accreditation: staff experiences and perceptions. Int J Health Care Qual Assur., 31(5):420-427
  • 5. Bozak, MG. (2003). Using Lewin's force field analysis in implementing a nursing information system. Comput Inform Nurs., 21(2):80-5
  • 6. Graban M. (2011); “Yalın Hastane, Kalite, Hasta Güvenliği ve Çalışan Memnuniyetini Artırmak”, Çevirmen: Pınar Şengözer, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • 7. Hible, L. (2017), Root Cause Analysis in Health Care Tools and Techniques Joint Commission Resources publication p: 123-125
  • 8. Ilie G. and. Ciocoiu C.N. (2010). Application of fishbone diagram to determine the risk of an event with multiple causes. Management Research and Practice, 2(1),1-20
  • 9. Jones, R.W., Despotou, G. (2016)., Root Cause Analysis and Health Informatics, p: 131-134 Unifying the Applications and Foundations of Biomedical and Health Informatics J. Mantas et al. (Eds.) IOS Press.
  • 10. Juran, J. M. (2005), The non-Pareto Principle Mea Culpa. From Stephens, K.S., ed. Juran, Quality, and a Century of Improvement, pp. 185–188. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press,.
  • 11. Kahveci, N. (2015); “Yalın Araçlar ve Problem Çözme Yöntemleri”, IX. Uluslararası Sağlıkta Kalite, Akreditasyon ve Hasta Güvenliği Kongresi, Antalya, ss:39.
  • 12. Karadag, M., Saritas, S., & Erginer, E. (2009). Using the “six thinking hats”model of learning in a surgical nursing class: sharing experience and student opinions. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(3), 59-69
  • 13. Keeney, RL. (2012). Value-Focused Brainstorming. Decision Analysis. 9(4), 303–313
  • 14. Kenny, L. (2003). Using Edward de Bono‟s six thinking hats game to aid critical thinking and reflection in palliative care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 9(3): 105- 112.
  • 15. Kumar, EM. (2017). Brainstorming: Thinking - Problem Solving Strategy . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 7(3), 33-37
  • 16. Lisa, HC. Sheila, K. (2018) Effectiveness of the Lean process compared to other quality improvement initiatives on length of stay and wait times in healthcare organizations: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16 (1),12–20
  • 17. Matthew A. B. (2015), Root Cause Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Right Tool and the Right Time. FL: CRC Press.
  • 18. McKay, J., Bowie, P. Murray L. (2003). Barriers to signicant event analysis: an attitudinal survey of principals in general practice. Quality in Primary Care 11: 189-198
  • 19. McMillan, SS., Kelly, F. Sav, A., Kendall, E., King, MA., Whitty, JA., Wheeler, AJ. (2014). Using the nominal group technique: how to analyse across multiple groups. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 14 (3), 92-108.
  • 20. Mitez S. (2012). Six Thinking Hats. Asian Journal of Management Research. 2(2): 814-820
  • 21. Nyumba, TO., Wilson, K., Derrick, CJ., Mukherjee, N. (2018). The use of focus group discussion methodology: Insights from two decades of application in conservation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:20–32.
  • 22. Reilly,JB., Myers, JS., Salvador, D., Trowbridge, RL. (2014).Use of a novel, modified fishbone diagram to analyze diagnostic errors. Diagnosis; 1(2): 167–171
  • 23. Rodziewicz T.L., Hipskind J.E. (2018) Medical Error Prevention. FL: Stat Pearls Publishing.
  • 24. Sharma, S. Kumar, R., Bhadana, P., Gupta S. (2013) News Event Extraction Using 5W1H Approach & Its Analysis.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(5), 2064-2067
  • 25. Sokovic, D M., Pavletic, K., Pipan, K. (2010). Quality Improvement Methodologies – PDCA Cycle, RADAR Matrix. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 43(1), 476-483
  • 26. Swanson, DJ. & Creed, AS. (2013). Sharpening the Focus of Force Field Analysis. Journal of Change Management, 14, 28-47
  • 27. Taie, E. S. & Kamel, A.A.El. (2013). Six thinking Hats as a Creative Approach in Managing Meetings in Hospitals. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(9), 187-200
  • 28. Womack, J.P. ve Jones, D.T. (2012); “Yalın Düşünce”, Çevirmen: Oygur Yamak, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.

Problem solving techniques for process improvment

Year 2018, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, 192 - 200, 30.09.2018


It is getting more difficult for institutions to compete in a world which is globalized and has constantly changing conditions. At the same time it is necessary to act quickly for increasing the quality of health services and to reduce costs. Problems that arise in the process of service must be resolved quickly. While solving problems, to define problems, to collect data, to analyze and interpret many methods are used. However, before proceeding to problem solving "problems" the word should be well defined.

Problems are events which disrupt happiness and bother individuals by stirring minds. At the same time it prevents achieving the goal of individuals and institutions by impairing their efficiency. The events prevents purposeful efforts are problems for corporations. Apart from these it is each case which does not satisfy customer or person that receiving service during the process of production or service.  

Definition of the problem, forms the main point of problem solving. A well-defined problem means perform half of research. %15 of the problem appears, %85 reveals during investigation. After definition, appropriate problem-solving methods, processes, viewing processes and solving any problem caused from any process provides support.

Continuous improvement initiatives problem solving techniques should be applied successfully by employees. In order to take right decisions in services and processes by diagnosing correctly main causes and solutions with the participation of all employees ensures the continuity of the quality of institutions.


  • 1. Adams, E. & Barnas K. (2014); “Beyond Heroes - Sağlık Sektörü İçin Yalın Yönetim Sistemi”, Çevirmen: Ayşe Soydan, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • 2. Antonacci, G., Reed, JE., Lennox, L., Barlow, J. (2018). The use of process mapping in healthcare quality improvement projects. Health Services Management Research, 31 (2), 74-84
  • 3. Baulcomb, S. J. (2003). Management of change through force field analysis. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 275-280
  • 4. Bogh SB, Blom A, Raben DC, Braithwaite J, Thude B, Hollnagel E, Plessen CV. (2018) Hospital accreditation: staff experiences and perceptions. Int J Health Care Qual Assur., 31(5):420-427
  • 5. Bozak, MG. (2003). Using Lewin's force field analysis in implementing a nursing information system. Comput Inform Nurs., 21(2):80-5
  • 6. Graban M. (2011); “Yalın Hastane, Kalite, Hasta Güvenliği ve Çalışan Memnuniyetini Artırmak”, Çevirmen: Pınar Şengözer, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • 7. Hible, L. (2017), Root Cause Analysis in Health Care Tools and Techniques Joint Commission Resources publication p: 123-125
  • 8. Ilie G. and. Ciocoiu C.N. (2010). Application of fishbone diagram to determine the risk of an event with multiple causes. Management Research and Practice, 2(1),1-20
  • 9. Jones, R.W., Despotou, G. (2016)., Root Cause Analysis and Health Informatics, p: 131-134 Unifying the Applications and Foundations of Biomedical and Health Informatics J. Mantas et al. (Eds.) IOS Press.
  • 10. Juran, J. M. (2005), The non-Pareto Principle Mea Culpa. From Stephens, K.S., ed. Juran, Quality, and a Century of Improvement, pp. 185–188. Milwaukee, WI: ASQ Quality Press,.
  • 11. Kahveci, N. (2015); “Yalın Araçlar ve Problem Çözme Yöntemleri”, IX. Uluslararası Sağlıkta Kalite, Akreditasyon ve Hasta Güvenliği Kongresi, Antalya, ss:39.
  • 12. Karadag, M., Saritas, S., & Erginer, E. (2009). Using the “six thinking hats”model of learning in a surgical nursing class: sharing experience and student opinions. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 26(3), 59-69
  • 13. Keeney, RL. (2012). Value-Focused Brainstorming. Decision Analysis. 9(4), 303–313
  • 14. Kenny, L. (2003). Using Edward de Bono‟s six thinking hats game to aid critical thinking and reflection in palliative care. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 9(3): 105- 112.
  • 15. Kumar, EM. (2017). Brainstorming: Thinking - Problem Solving Strategy . Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application, 7(3), 33-37
  • 16. Lisa, HC. Sheila, K. (2018) Effectiveness of the Lean process compared to other quality improvement initiatives on length of stay and wait times in healthcare organizations: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 16 (1),12–20
  • 17. Matthew A. B. (2015), Root Cause Analysis: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Right Tool and the Right Time. FL: CRC Press.
  • 18. McKay, J., Bowie, P. Murray L. (2003). Barriers to signicant event analysis: an attitudinal survey of principals in general practice. Quality in Primary Care 11: 189-198
  • 19. McMillan, SS., Kelly, F. Sav, A., Kendall, E., King, MA., Whitty, JA., Wheeler, AJ. (2014). Using the nominal group technique: how to analyse across multiple groups. Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology, 14 (3), 92-108.
  • 20. Mitez S. (2012). Six Thinking Hats. Asian Journal of Management Research. 2(2): 814-820
  • 21. Nyumba, TO., Wilson, K., Derrick, CJ., Mukherjee, N. (2018). The use of focus group discussion methodology: Insights from two decades of application in conservation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9:20–32.
  • 22. Reilly,JB., Myers, JS., Salvador, D., Trowbridge, RL. (2014).Use of a novel, modified fishbone diagram to analyze diagnostic errors. Diagnosis; 1(2): 167–171
  • 23. Rodziewicz T.L., Hipskind J.E. (2018) Medical Error Prevention. FL: Stat Pearls Publishing.
  • 24. Sharma, S. Kumar, R., Bhadana, P., Gupta S. (2013) News Event Extraction Using 5W1H Approach & Its Analysis.International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(5), 2064-2067
  • 25. Sokovic, D M., Pavletic, K., Pipan, K. (2010). Quality Improvement Methodologies – PDCA Cycle, RADAR Matrix. Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 43(1), 476-483
  • 26. Swanson, DJ. & Creed, AS. (2013). Sharpening the Focus of Force Field Analysis. Journal of Change Management, 14, 28-47
  • 27. Taie, E. S. & Kamel, A.A.El. (2013). Six thinking Hats as a Creative Approach in Managing Meetings in Hospitals. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(9), 187-200
  • 28. Womack, J.P. ve Jones, D.T. (2012); “Yalın Düşünce”, Çevirmen: Oygur Yamak, Optimist Yayınları, İstanbul.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Review Article

Nevzat Kahveci

Publication Date September 30, 2018
Acceptance Date August 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 5 Issue: 3


APA Kahveci, N. (2018). Süreç iyileştirmede problem çözme teknikleri. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 5(3), 192-200.

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