Formaldehyde (FA) or formaldehyde solution, whose industrial name is formalin ad systematic name is methanal (CH2O), is an organic compound in the aldehyde structure. Industrially, FA is used for its preservative and sterilizing agent properties. Fish farms use FA solutions against bacterial diseases in juvenile fish, protect to fish, and for disinfection purposes. Although FA is a frequently used substance in the industrial, laboratory, and cosmetic fields, the literature is very scare in terms of toxic doses or symptoms in cases of oral intakes. This case describes the clinical course and wrong mismanagement acute oral FA ingesting.
Smith AE. Formaldehyde. Occupational medicine. 1992;42(2):83-8. doi: 10.1093/occmed/42.2.83.
Perçin F. Effects of Disinfectants Used in Fish Production Facilities on Employees. Ziraat mühendisliği.
Zhang L, Li Y, Wang L, Zhang S, Zhang G, Zuo M, et al. A fatal case of accidental oral formaldehyde
poisoning and its pathomorphological characteristics. International journal of legal medicine.
2022;136(5):1303-7. doi: 10.1007/s00414-022-02821-1.
Adamović D, Čepić Z. Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde and Cancer Risk Assessment in an Anatomy
Laboratory. 2021;18(21). doi: 10.3390/ijerph182111198.
Owen BA, Dudney CS, Tan EL, Easterly CE. Formaldehyde in drinking water: comparative hazard evaluation
and an approach to regulation. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP. 1990;11(3):220-36. doi:
Golden R, Valentini M. Formaldehyde and methylene glycol equivalence: critical assessment of chemical and
toxicological aspects. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP. 2014;69(2):178-86. doi:
Bernardini L, Barbosa E, Charão MF, Brucker N. Formaldehyde toxicity reports from in vitro and in vivo
studies: a review and updated data. Drug and chemical toxicology. 2022;45(3):972-84. doi:
Kochhar R, Nanda V, Nagi B, Mehta SK. Formaldehyde-induced corrosive gastric cicatrization: case report.
Human toxicology. 1986;5(6):381-2. doi: 10.1177/096032718600500609.
Formaldehit Solüsyonunun Yanlışlıkla Yutulmasına İlişkin Bir Olgu Sunumu
Formaldehit (FA) veya endüstriyel adı formalin, sistematik adı metanal (CH2O) olan formaldehit çözeltisi, aldehit yapısında bulunan organik bir bileşiktir. Endüstriyel olarak FA, koruyucu ve sterilize edici madde özellikleri nedeniyle kullanılır. Balık çiftlikleri yavru balıklarda bakteriyel hastalıklara karşı, balıkları koruma ve dezenfeksiyon amacıyla FA solüsyonlarını kullanmaktadır. FA endüstriyel, laboratuvar ve kozmetik alanlarda sıklıkla kullanılan bir madde olmasına rağmen literatürde toksik dozlar veya oral alımlarda ortaya çıkan semptomlar açısından oldukça korkutucudur. Bu vaka, akut oral FA alımının klinik gidişatını ve yanlış yönetimi anlatmaktadır.
Smith AE. Formaldehyde. Occupational medicine. 1992;42(2):83-8. doi: 10.1093/occmed/42.2.83.
Perçin F. Effects of Disinfectants Used in Fish Production Facilities on Employees. Ziraat mühendisliği.
Zhang L, Li Y, Wang L, Zhang S, Zhang G, Zuo M, et al. A fatal case of accidental oral formaldehyde
poisoning and its pathomorphological characteristics. International journal of legal medicine.
2022;136(5):1303-7. doi: 10.1007/s00414-022-02821-1.
Adamović D, Čepić Z. Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde and Cancer Risk Assessment in an Anatomy
Laboratory. 2021;18(21). doi: 10.3390/ijerph182111198.
Owen BA, Dudney CS, Tan EL, Easterly CE. Formaldehyde in drinking water: comparative hazard evaluation
and an approach to regulation. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP. 1990;11(3):220-36. doi:
Golden R, Valentini M. Formaldehyde and methylene glycol equivalence: critical assessment of chemical and
toxicological aspects. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology: RTP. 2014;69(2):178-86. doi:
Bernardini L, Barbosa E, Charão MF, Brucker N. Formaldehyde toxicity reports from in vitro and in vivo
studies: a review and updated data. Drug and chemical toxicology. 2022;45(3):972-84. doi:
Kochhar R, Nanda V, Nagi B, Mehta SK. Formaldehyde-induced corrosive gastric cicatrization: case report.
Human toxicology. 1986;5(6):381-2. doi: 10.1177/096032718600500609.