Research Article
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Identifying the caregiver burden for the elderly population aged ≥85 years in a province

Year 2020, , 302 - 309, 30.12.2020


Aim: The number of elderly individuals aged ≥85 is steadily increasing. With this increase, the care needs of the elderly and the caregiver burden are increasing. The present study aimed to identify the caregiver burden providing care to a population aged ≥85, as well as it associated factors.
Materials and Methods: The universe of this cross-sectional study was 3741 individuals over 85 years of age living in Burdur province. N = 3741 subjects, p = 0.50; q = 1-p; t = 1.96; d = 0.05 and the sample size is calculated as 348 persons. Since Family Medicine Information System will be used in the selection of the sample, the number of elderly people to be taken from each family physician was found by dividing the number of the family physician; accordingly, the number of elderly people per family physicians were found 4.4 (348/79 = 4.4 people). However, considering the possibilities of death or hospitalization of the elderly, it was decided to recruit 5 people from each family physician and the number of samples was accepted as 395. Five elderly were determined by randomization. In statistical analysis, the t-test and analysis of variance were applied on scale scores. Multivariate analysis was performed using forward linear regression method to determine the reasons affecting the care burden. Results: The mean age of the elderly population was 88.0 ± 2.5 years. The mean age of the caregivers was 60.3 ± 13.1 years, and 84.8% of them were women. The mean Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale score of the caregivers was 35.49 ± 18.08. The dependence of the elderly individual, a poor overall health perception of the caregivers, and residence in the same house with the elderly individual were observed as the factors that increased the care burden (p = 0.004 and p = 0.004, p <0.001 and p = 0.026).
Conclusion: Of the elderly, 68.4% needed care. The dependence of the elderly individual, a poor overall health perception of the caregiver, and residence in the same house with the elderly individual increased the care burden.


  • Or R, Kartal A. Influence of caregiver burden on well‐being of family member caregivers of older adults. Psychogeriatrics 2019;19(5): 482-490 [cited 10.05.2019]. Available from:
  • United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population division (2015). World Population Ageing 2015 (ST/ESA/SER.A/390). [cited 10.03.2019]. Available from:
  • He W, Goodkind D, Paul Kowal US. Census Bureau. International population reports, P95/16-1, An Aging World: 2015, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC:2016.[cited 10.10.2018]. Available from: 95-16-1.ppf
  • TÜİK. [cited 10.12.2017].
  • Bekdemir, A, İlhan N. Predictors of caregiver burden in caregivers of bedridden patients. The Journal of Nursing Research 2019; 27 (3): 24.
  • Cho J, Nakagawa T, Martin P, et al. Caregiving centenarians: cross-national comparison in Caregiver-Burden between the United States and Japan. Aging Ment. Health 2018; 1-10.
  • Tana C, Lauretani F, Ticinesi A, et al. Impact of nutritional status on caregiver burden of elderly outpatients. A cross-sectional study. Nutrients 2019; 11 (2): 281.
  • Karahan AY, İslam S. A comparison study on caregiving burden for physically disabled children and elderly patients. 2013. MÜSBED 2013; 3 (5): 1-7.
  • Carretero S, Garcés J, Ródenas F, Sanjosé V. The informal caregiver’s burden of dependent people: theory and empirical review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2009; 49 (1): 74-9.
  • TÜİK. Family structure research. 2016.[cited 10.12.2017].
  • Family Practice Information System (AHBS)/Decision Support System (KDS) (access: 06.02.2017).
  • Işık AT, Soysal P (Eds). Scales in geriatric practice. Geriatric syndromes;8. Istanbul: Istanbul Medical Bookstores, 2017: 30-36, 206-8.
  • Garlo K, O’Leary JR, Van Ness PH, Fried TR. Burden in caregivers of older adults with advanced illness. J Am Geriatr Soc 2010;58(12):2315-22. (PMID: 21087225).
  • Rinaldi P, Spazzafumo L, Mastriforti R, et al. Study Group on Brain Aging of the Italian. Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Predictors of high level of burdenand distress in caregivers of demented patients: results of an Italian multicenter study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005; 20 (2): 168-74.
  • Zaybak A, Yapucu-Güneş Ü, Günay-İsmailoğlu E, Ülker E. Determination of the Care burden of the caregivers of bedridden patients. J Anatolia Nurs Health Sci 2012; (15): 48-54.
  • Huang Y, Mao B, Ni P, et al. Investigation on the Status and Determinants of Caregiver Burden on Caring for Patients with Chronic Wound. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2019; 8 (9): 429- 37.
  • Limpawattana P, Theeranut A, Chindaprasirt J, Sawanyawisuth K, Pimporm J. Caregivers burden of older adults with chronic illnesses in the community: a cross-sectional study. J Commun Health 2013; 38 (1): 40-45.
  • Rinaldi P, Spazzafumo L, Mastriforti R, et al. Study Group on Brain Aging of the Italian. Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Predictors of high level of burdenand distress in caregivers of demented patients: results of an Italian multicenter study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005; 20 (2): 168-74.
  • Kim H, Chang M, Rose K, Kim S. Predictors of caregiver burden in caregivers of individuals with dementia. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68 (4): 846-55.
  • Covinsky KE, Newcomer R, Fox P, et al. Patient and caregiver characteristics associated with depression in caregivers of patients with dementia. J Gen Intern Med. 2003;18 (12): 1006-14.
  • Riffin C, Van Ness PH, Wolff JL, Fried T. Multifactorial Examination of Caregiver Burden in a National Sample of Family and Unpaid Caregivers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019; 67 (2): 277-83. doi: 10.1111/jgs.15664.
  • Abdollahpour I, Noroozian M, Nedjat S, Majdzadeh R. Caregiver burden and its determinants among the family members of patients with dementia in Iran. Int J Prev Med 2012; 3 (8): 544-51.
  • Arai Y, Kumamoto K, Washio M, et al. Factors related to feelings of burden among caregivers looking after impaired elderly in Japan under the long-term care insurance system. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 58 (4): 396-402.
  • Mahoney R, Regan C, Katona C, Livingston G. Anxiety and depression in family caregivers of people with Alzheimer disease: the laser-AD study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005;13 (9): 795-801.
  • Mulud ZA, McCarthy G. Caregiver burden among caregivers of individuals with severe mental illness: testing the moderation and mediation models of resilience. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2017; 31 (1): 24-30.

Identifying the caregiver burden for the elderly population aged ≥85 years in a province

Year 2020, , 302 - 309, 30.12.2020


Amaç: 85 yaş ve üzeri yaşlı birey sayısı giderek artmaktadır. Bu artışla birlikte yaşlıların bakım ihtiyaçları ve bakım veren yükü artmaktadır. Bu çalışma, 85 yaş üstü nüfusa bakım verenlerin yükünü ve bununla ilişkili faktörleri tanımlamayı amaçlamıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu Kesitsel tipteki bu çalışmanın evreni, Burdur ilinde yaşayan 85 yaş üstü 3741 kişidir. N = 3741 kişi, p = 0,50; q = 1-p; t = 1,96; d = 0,05 olup örnek büyüklüğü 348 kişi olarak hesaplanmıştır. Örneklemin seçiminde Aile Hekimliği Bilgi Sistemi kullanılacağından, her aile hekiminden alınacak yaşlıların sayısı aile hekimi sayısının bölünmesiyle bulunmuştur.
Buna göre, Aile hekimi başına düşen yaşlı sayısı 4,4 olarak tespit edilmiştir (348/79 = 4,4 kişi). Bununla birlikte, yaşlıların ölüm ve hastaneye yatış olasılıkları göz önüne alındığında, her aile hekiminden 5 kişinin alınmasına karar verilmiş ve örneklem sayısı 395 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Beş yaşlı randomizasyon ile belirlenmiştir.
İstatistiksel analizde ölçek puanlarına t testi ve varyans analizi uygulanmıştır. Bakım yükünü etkileyen nedenleri belirlemek için ileri doğrusal regresyon yöntemi kullanılarak çok değişkenli analiz yapılmıştır.
Bulgular: Yaşlı nüfusun ortalama yaşı 88,0 ± 2,5 dir. Bakım verenlerin yaş ortalaması 60,3 ± 13,1 ve %84,8'i kadındır. Bakıcıların ortalama Zarit Bakım Yükü Ölçeği puanı 35,49 ± 18,08'dir. Bakım yükünü artıran faktörler olarak yaşlı bireyin bağımlılığı, bakıcıların genel sağlık algısının zayıf olması ve aynı evde yaşlı bireyin oturması gözlenmiştir (p = 0,004 ve p = 0,004, p <0,001 ve p = 0,026).
Sonuç: Yaşlıların %68,4'ünün bakıma ihtiyacı bulunmaktadır. Yaşlı bireyin bağımlılığı, bakıcının genel sağlık algısının zayıf olması ve yaşlı bireyle aynı evde oturması bakım yükünü artırmaktadır.


  • Or R, Kartal A. Influence of caregiver burden on well‐being of family member caregivers of older adults. Psychogeriatrics 2019;19(5): 482-490 [cited 10.05.2019]. Available from:
  • United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Population division (2015). World Population Ageing 2015 (ST/ESA/SER.A/390). [cited 10.03.2019]. Available from:
  • He W, Goodkind D, Paul Kowal US. Census Bureau. International population reports, P95/16-1, An Aging World: 2015, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC:2016.[cited 10.10.2018]. Available from: 95-16-1.ppf
  • TÜİK. [cited 10.12.2017].
  • Bekdemir, A, İlhan N. Predictors of caregiver burden in caregivers of bedridden patients. The Journal of Nursing Research 2019; 27 (3): 24.
  • Cho J, Nakagawa T, Martin P, et al. Caregiving centenarians: cross-national comparison in Caregiver-Burden between the United States and Japan. Aging Ment. Health 2018; 1-10.
  • Tana C, Lauretani F, Ticinesi A, et al. Impact of nutritional status on caregiver burden of elderly outpatients. A cross-sectional study. Nutrients 2019; 11 (2): 281.
  • Karahan AY, İslam S. A comparison study on caregiving burden for physically disabled children and elderly patients. 2013. MÜSBED 2013; 3 (5): 1-7.
  • Carretero S, Garcés J, Ródenas F, Sanjosé V. The informal caregiver’s burden of dependent people: theory and empirical review. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2009; 49 (1): 74-9.
  • TÜİK. Family structure research. 2016.[cited 10.12.2017].
  • Family Practice Information System (AHBS)/Decision Support System (KDS) (access: 06.02.2017).
  • Işık AT, Soysal P (Eds). Scales in geriatric practice. Geriatric syndromes;8. Istanbul: Istanbul Medical Bookstores, 2017: 30-36, 206-8.
  • Garlo K, O’Leary JR, Van Ness PH, Fried TR. Burden in caregivers of older adults with advanced illness. J Am Geriatr Soc 2010;58(12):2315-22. (PMID: 21087225).
  • Rinaldi P, Spazzafumo L, Mastriforti R, et al. Study Group on Brain Aging of the Italian. Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Predictors of high level of burdenand distress in caregivers of demented patients: results of an Italian multicenter study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005; 20 (2): 168-74.
  • Zaybak A, Yapucu-Güneş Ü, Günay-İsmailoğlu E, Ülker E. Determination of the Care burden of the caregivers of bedridden patients. J Anatolia Nurs Health Sci 2012; (15): 48-54.
  • Huang Y, Mao B, Ni P, et al. Investigation on the Status and Determinants of Caregiver Burden on Caring for Patients with Chronic Wound. Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle). 2019; 8 (9): 429- 37.
  • Limpawattana P, Theeranut A, Chindaprasirt J, Sawanyawisuth K, Pimporm J. Caregivers burden of older adults with chronic illnesses in the community: a cross-sectional study. J Commun Health 2013; 38 (1): 40-45.
  • Rinaldi P, Spazzafumo L, Mastriforti R, et al. Study Group on Brain Aging of the Italian. Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Predictors of high level of burdenand distress in caregivers of demented patients: results of an Italian multicenter study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005; 20 (2): 168-74.
  • Kim H, Chang M, Rose K, Kim S. Predictors of caregiver burden in caregivers of individuals with dementia. J Adv Nurs 2012; 68 (4): 846-55.
  • Covinsky KE, Newcomer R, Fox P, et al. Patient and caregiver characteristics associated with depression in caregivers of patients with dementia. J Gen Intern Med. 2003;18 (12): 1006-14.
  • Riffin C, Van Ness PH, Wolff JL, Fried T. Multifactorial Examination of Caregiver Burden in a National Sample of Family and Unpaid Caregivers. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019; 67 (2): 277-83. doi: 10.1111/jgs.15664.
  • Abdollahpour I, Noroozian M, Nedjat S, Majdzadeh R. Caregiver burden and its determinants among the family members of patients with dementia in Iran. Int J Prev Med 2012; 3 (8): 544-51.
  • Arai Y, Kumamoto K, Washio M, et al. Factors related to feelings of burden among caregivers looking after impaired elderly in Japan under the long-term care insurance system. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2004; 58 (4): 396-402.
  • Mahoney R, Regan C, Katona C, Livingston G. Anxiety and depression in family caregivers of people with Alzheimer disease: the laser-AD study. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2005;13 (9): 795-801.
  • Mulud ZA, McCarthy G. Caregiver burden among caregivers of individuals with severe mental illness: testing the moderation and mediation models of resilience. Arch Psychiatr Nurs 2017; 31 (1): 24-30.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Sevinç Sütlü 0000-0001-6847-1798

Mümtaz Yılmaz 0000-0002-8585-0770

Aliye Mandıracıoğlu 0000-0002-0873-4805

Publication Date December 30, 2020
Submission Date April 2, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


Vancouver Sütlü S, Yılmaz M, Mandıracıoğlu A. Identifying the caregiver burden for the elderly population aged ≥85 years in a province. ETD. 2020;59(4):302-9.

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