An unusual reason for acute abdomen in pregnancy: Spontaneous renal calyceal diverticulum rupture
Yıl 2023,
, 155 - 157, 15.03.2023
İlhan Hekimsoy
Halil Bozkaya
Özgür Çakmak
Serkan Güneyli
Renal collecting system rupture is exceedingly uncommon, despite the fact that urinary system issues are frequently experienced during pregnancy. This report presents a case of a pregnant patient who underwent examination for sudden onset flank pain and was later found to have spontaneous renal calyceal diverticulum rupture via imaging techniques. Although calyceal diverticula are usually detected incidentally, they are rarely involved in the etiology of acute abdomen due to rupture. Even though rare, spontaneous renal calyceal diverticulum rupture should be taken into account in pregnant patients with acute abdomen since it can cause diagnostic delay and pregnancy-related complications by presenting with clinical findings similar to the more common causes of acute abdomen.
- Gershman B, Kulkarni N, Sahani DV, Eisner BH. Causes of renal forniceal rupture. BJU Int. 2011; 108 (11): 1909–12.
- Satoh S, Okuma A, Fujita Y, Tamaka M, Nakano H. Spontaneous rupture of the renal pelvis during pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature. Am J Perinatol. 2002; 19 (4): 189–95.
- Boekhorst F, Bogers H, Martens J. Renal pelvis rupture during pregnancy: diagnosing a confusing source of despair. BMJ Case Rep. 2015; 2015: bcr2014208400.
- Fluke LM, Hoagland BD, Bedzis SM, Johnston MG. Spontaneous Renal Calyceal Rupture: A Rare Cause of an Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy. Am Surg. 2016; 82 (8): e196-7.
- Hanson B, Tabbarah R. Preterm Delivery in the Setting of Left Calyceal Rupture. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 2015: 906073.
- Waingankar N, Hayek S, Smith AD, Okeke Z. Calyceal Diverticula: A Comprehensive Review. Rev Urol. 2014; 16 (1): 29–43.
- Yamasaki T, Yoshioka T, Imoto M, Aoki H, Fujio K, Uehara S, et al. Rupture of a Calyceal Diverticulum Secondary to Ureteroscopy: A Rare Complication. Case Rep Urol. 2018; 2018: 9285671.
- Natsume O, Yamamoto M, Momose H, Suemori T, Shiomi T, Yamada K. [Percutaneous management of perinatal spontaneous rupture of a calyceal diverticulum]. Hinyokika Kiyo. 1988; 34 (8): 1431–6.
- Upputalla R, Moore RM, Jim B. Spontaneous forniceal rupture in pregnancy. Case Rep Nephrol. 2015; 2015: 379061.
- Jalbani IK, Ather MH. Renal forniceal rupture in pregnancy secondary to obstructive renal stone presenting with acute renal failure. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014; 25 (5): 1081–3.
Gebelikte nadir bir akut karın nedeni: Spontan renal kalisiyel divertikül rüptürü
Yıl 2023,
, 155 - 157, 15.03.2023
İlhan Hekimsoy
Halil Bozkaya
Özgür Çakmak
Serkan Güneyli
Gebelikte üriner sistem komplikasyonları sık görülmekle birlikte renal toplayıcı sistem rüptürü oldukça nadirdir. Bu çalışmada, ani başlangıçlı yan ağrısı nedeniyle tetkik edilen ve görüntüleme yöntemleri ile spontan renal kalisiyel divertikül rüptürü tanısı alan gebe hasta sunulmaktadır. Kalisiyel divertiküller genellikle insidental olarak saptanmakla birlikte nadiren gelişen rüptür sonucu akut karın etiyolojisinde yer alırlar. Daha sık olarak izlenen akut karın nedenleri ile benzer klinik bulgular vererek tanısal gecikmeye ve gebelikle ilişkili komplikasyonlara yol açabileceği için akut karın nedeniyle araştırılan gebe olgularda nadirde olsa spontan renal kalisiyel divertikül rüptürü de akılda bulundurulmalıdır.
- Gershman B, Kulkarni N, Sahani DV, Eisner BH. Causes of renal forniceal rupture. BJU Int. 2011; 108 (11): 1909–12.
- Satoh S, Okuma A, Fujita Y, Tamaka M, Nakano H. Spontaneous rupture of the renal pelvis during pregnancy: a case report and review of the literature. Am J Perinatol. 2002; 19 (4): 189–95.
- Boekhorst F, Bogers H, Martens J. Renal pelvis rupture during pregnancy: diagnosing a confusing source of despair. BMJ Case Rep. 2015; 2015: bcr2014208400.
- Fluke LM, Hoagland BD, Bedzis SM, Johnston MG. Spontaneous Renal Calyceal Rupture: A Rare Cause of an Acute Abdomen in Pregnancy. Am Surg. 2016; 82 (8): e196-7.
- Hanson B, Tabbarah R. Preterm Delivery in the Setting of Left Calyceal Rupture. Case Rep Obstet Gynecol. 2015; 2015: 906073.
- Waingankar N, Hayek S, Smith AD, Okeke Z. Calyceal Diverticula: A Comprehensive Review. Rev Urol. 2014; 16 (1): 29–43.
- Yamasaki T, Yoshioka T, Imoto M, Aoki H, Fujio K, Uehara S, et al. Rupture of a Calyceal Diverticulum Secondary to Ureteroscopy: A Rare Complication. Case Rep Urol. 2018; 2018: 9285671.
- Natsume O, Yamamoto M, Momose H, Suemori T, Shiomi T, Yamada K. [Percutaneous management of perinatal spontaneous rupture of a calyceal diverticulum]. Hinyokika Kiyo. 1988; 34 (8): 1431–6.
- Upputalla R, Moore RM, Jim B. Spontaneous forniceal rupture in pregnancy. Case Rep Nephrol. 2015; 2015: 379061.
- Jalbani IK, Ather MH. Renal forniceal rupture in pregnancy secondary to obstructive renal stone presenting with acute renal failure. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014; 25 (5): 1081–3.