Dorsal approach technique for the visualization of the aortic arch
Yıl 2020,
, 188 - 191, 30.09.2020
Fırat Ökmen
Hüseyin Ekici
Metehan İmamoğlu
Sabahattin Anıl Arı
Sabina Garakhanova
Ahmet Mete Ergenoğlu
Ahmet Özgür Yeniel
Aim: In this study, we aimed define a new technique to visualize the aortic arch in order to diagnose aortic arch anomalies with a dorsal approach when fetal spine is in anterior position within the uterus. Materials and Methods: 115 patients who were referred to the prenatal screening unit between gestational weeks 20-40 were admitted to the study. 110 patients with normal cardiac findings and 5 fetuses with postnatally confirmed diagnosis of coarctation of aorta were evaluated with the new technique. Results: Aortic arch of 115 fetuses were successfully visualized with the technique defined in detail. Conclusion: The dorsal approach for the visualization of the aortic arch seems as a durable and a convenient technique for the fetal cardiac evaluation, especially in terms of better diagnostic capability for aortic arch pathologies under circumstances where the ventral approach is not feasible.
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screening on detection of congenital heart disease. Lancet, 1996. 348 (9031): 854-7.
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with universal access to health care. Can J Cardiol, 2013. 29 (7): 879-85.
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infants with congenital heart defects. Am J Cardiol, 2014. 113 (6): 1036-40.
- 8. Jaeggi, E.T., et al., Comparative analysis of pattern, management and outcome of pre- versus postnatally
diagnosed major congenital heart disease: a population-based study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 17
(5): 380-5.
- 9. Yoo, S.J., et al., Fetal sonographic diagnosis of aortic arch anomalies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 22
(5): 535-46.
- 10. Ferencz C, Rubin J, Loffredo C, Magee C. Epidemiology of congenital heart disease: the BaltimoreWashington Infant Study, 1981–1989. Mt. Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing; 1993. 11 (5): 455-6.
- 11. Nora JJ, Berg K, Nora AH. Cardiovascular diseases: Genetics, epidemiology and prevention, New York:
Oxford University Press; 1991: 53-81.
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in a prospective series of mothers referred for fetal echocardiography. Am J Cardiol 1986; 58: 334-7
Aort kemeri görüntülenmesinde dorsal yaklaşım tekniği
Yıl 2020,
, 188 - 191, 30.09.2020
Fırat Ökmen
Hüseyin Ekici
Metehan İmamoğlu
Sabahattin Anıl Arı
Sabina Garakhanova
Ahmet Mete Ergenoğlu
Ahmet Özgür Yeniel
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, fetus dorso-anterior pozisyondayken aort kemerinin görüntülenmesi ve anomalilerinin tespiti için yeni bir teknik tanımlamayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: 20. ile 40. gebelik haftalarında prenatal değerlendirme birimine yönlendirilen 115 gebe çalışmaya dahil edildi. Normal bulgulara sahip 115 fetus ile doğum sonrası konfirme edilmiş beş aort koarktasyonlu fetus tanımlanan yeni teknik ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: 115 dorso anterior duruşlu fetusta aort kemeri tanımlanan yeni teknikle başarıyla gösterilmiştir. Sonuç: Aort kemerinin izlenmesinde dorsal yaklaşım, özellikle ventral yaklaşımın mümkün olmadığı durumlarda aort kemerinin patolojileri için daha iyi tanı kabiliyeti ile uygun bir teknik olarak kullanılabilir.
- 1. Hunter, L.E. and J.M. Simpson, Prenatal screening for structural congenital heart disease. Nat Rev Cardiol,
2014. 11 (6): 23-34.
- 2. Kleinert, S., Routine prenatal screening for congenital heart disease. Lancet, 1996. 348 (9031): 836.
- 3. Stumpflen, I., et al., Effect of detailed fetal echocardiography as part of routine prenatal ultrasonographic
screening on detection of congenital heart disease. Lancet, 1996. 348 (9031): 854-7.
- 4. Gilboa, S.M., et al., Mortality resulting from congenital heart disease among children and adults in the United
States, 1999 to 2006. Circulation, 2010. 122 (22): 2254-63.
- 5. Familiari, A., et al., Risk Factors for Coarctation of the Aorta on Prenatal Ultrasound: A Systematic Review
and Meta-Analysis. Circulation, 2017. 135 (8): 772-85.
- 6. Trines, J., et al., Effectiveness of prenatal screening for congenital heart disease: assessment in a jurisdiction
with universal access to health care. Can J Cardiol, 2013. 29 (7): 879-85.
- 7. Oster, M.E., et al., A population-based study of the association of prenatal diagnosis with survival rate for
infants with congenital heart defects. Am J Cardiol, 2014. 113 (6): 1036-40.
- 8. Jaeggi, E.T., et al., Comparative analysis of pattern, management and outcome of pre- versus postnatally
diagnosed major congenital heart disease: a population-based study. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2001. 17
(5): 380-5.
- 9. Yoo, S.J., et al., Fetal sonographic diagnosis of aortic arch anomalies. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol, 2003. 22
(5): 535-46.
- 10. Ferencz C, Rubin J, Loffredo C, Magee C. Epidemiology of congenital heart disease: the BaltimoreWashington Infant Study, 1981–1989. Mt. Kisko, New York: Futura Publishing; 1993. 11 (5): 455-6.
- 11. Nora JJ, Berg K, Nora AH. Cardiovascular diseases: Genetics, epidemiology and prevention, New York:
Oxford University Press; 1991: 53-81.
- 12. Allan LD, Crawford DC, Chita SK, Anderson RH, Tynan MJ. Familial recurrence of congenital heart disease
in a prospective series of mothers referred for fetal echocardiography. Am J Cardiol 1986; 58: 334-7