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Assessment of knowledge of hand hygiene in health care settings among hospitalized patients

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 62 Sayı: 1, 81 - 94, 15.03.2023


Aim: Recently, one of the most remarkable initiatives among the studies carried out to increase compliance with hand hygiene is to increase the level of knowledge and awareness of hospitalized
patients. The aim of this study is to assess the baseline knowledge and awareness levels of hospitalized adult patients regarding hand hygiene practices during healthcare delivery.
Materials and Methods: Hospitalized patients were evaluated by a questionnaire consisting of total 24 questions regarding demographics and knowledge, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines on hand hygiene in health care settings.
Results: A total of 344 patients, 55.8% (n=192) from a university medical center, and 44.2% (n=152) from the Ministry of Health Training and Research Hospital were admitted. Of the patients 51.7%
(n=165) were male, and 63.8% (n=206) had a secondary school or lower level of education.Given the educational status, no difference was found regarding the awareness of the need for hand
hygiene; before and after touching a patient, before clean/aseptic procedures, after body fluid exposure and after touching patient surroundings (p>0.05). The awareness of the need for hand
hygiene was expressed at a higher rate by females than males after contact with medical equipment and supplies using in the care of patients (94.2% vs 86.7%, p=0.036), and after contact with patients’ surroundings (96.1% vs 89.1%, p=0.020).
Conclusion: It was thought that the patients had a lack of knowledge about hand hygiene, so their training would contribute to the formation of a warning system that would increase compliance in
healthcare professionals.


  • Girou E, Stephan F, Novara A, Safar M, Fagon JY. Risk factors and outcome of nosocomial infections: results of a matched case-control study of ICU patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1998; 157: 1151-8.
  • Blot SI, Depuydt P, Annemans L, Benoit D, Hoste E, De Waele JJ, Decruyenaere J,Vogelaers D, Colardyn F, and Vandewoude KH.. Clinical and economic outcomes in critically ill patients with nosocomial catheterrelated bloodstream infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2005; 41: 1591-8.
  • Marchetti A, Rossiter R. Economic burden of healthcare-associated infection in US acute care hospitals: societal perspective. J Med Econ. 2013; 16: 1399-404.
  • McLaws ML. The relationship between hand hygiene and healthcare-associated infection: it’s complicated. Infect Drug Resistance. 2015; 8: 7-18. Lucet JC, Rigaud MP, Mentre F, Kassis N, Deblangy C, Andremontzx A and Bouvetx E. Hand contamination before and after different hand hygiene techniques: a randomized clinical trial. J Hosp Infect. 2002; 50: 276-80.
  • Randle J, Clarke M, Stor J. Hand hygiene compliance in healthcare workers. J Hosp Infect. 2006;64: 205-9.
  • Erasmus V, Daha TJ, Brug H, Richardus JH, Behrendt MD, Vos MC, van Beeck EF. Systematic review of studies on compliance with hand hygiene guidelines in hospital care. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2010; 31:283294.
  • World Health Organization. A Guide to the Implementation of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2009 [Accessed 17.4.2020.].
  • Boyce JM. Hand hygiene compliance monitoring: current perspectives from the USA. J Hosp Infect. 2008; 70: 2-7.
  • Longtin Y, Farquet N, Gayet-Ageron A, Sax H, Pittet D. Caregivers’ perceptions of patients as reminder to improve hand hygiene. Arch Intern Med. 2012; 172: 1516- 7.
  • Longtin Y, Sax H, Allegranzi B, Hugonnet S, Pittet D. Patients’ beliefs and perceptions of their participation to increase healthcare worker compliance with hand hygiene. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009; 30: 830-9.
  • Longtin Y, Sax H, Leape LL, Sheridan SE, Donaldson L, and Pittet D. Patient Participation: Current knowledge and applicability to patient safety. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85: 53–62.
  • McGuckin M, Waterman R, Porten L, Bello S, Caruso M, Juzaitis B, Krug E, Mazer S, Ostrawski S. Patient education model for increasing handwashing compliance. Am J Infect Control. 1999; 27: 309-14.
  • Zerlyn LB, Joanna L, Yi LL, JoAnne F, Debbie J B, Catherine M, Tracey S, Jocelyn A. S.Patient, family, and visitor hand hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and practices at pediatric and maternity hospitals: A descriptive study. Am J of Infect Control. 2021; 49: 8. 1000-7.
  • World Health Organization, WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge. Clean care is safer care . WHO; 2009.
  • Anderson LJ, Warren CA, Perez E, Louis IR, Phillips S, Wheeler J, Cole M, Misra R. Gender and ethnic differences in hand hygiene practices among college students. Am J Infect Control. 2008; 36: 361-8.
  • Taylor JK, J. Basco R, Zaied A, Ward C. Hand hygiene knowledge of college students. Clin Lab Sci. 2010; 23: 89-93.
  • Borchgrevink CP, Cha JM, Kim SH. Hand washing practices in a college town environment. J Environ Health. 2013; 75: 18-24.
  • Grayson ML, Stewardson AJ, Russo PL, Ryan KE, Olsen KL, Havers SM, Greig S, Cruickshank M. Effects Of The Australian National Hand Hygiene Initiative After 8 Years On İnfection Control Practices, Health-Care Worker Education, And Clinical Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Nov 1 [cited 2019 May 17]; 18 (11): 1269–77.
  • Farhoudi F, Sanaei Dashti A, Hoshangi Davani M, Ghalebi N, Sajadi G, Taghizadeh R. Impact of WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement Program Implementation: A Quasi-Experimental Trial. Biomed Res Int. 2016 [cited 2019 May 17]; 2016: 7026169.
  • Alshammari M, Reynolds K, Verhougstraete M, O’Rourke M. Comparison of Perceived and Observed Hand Hygiene Compliance in Healthcare Workers in MERS-CoV Endemic Regions. Healthcare. 2018 Oct 7 [cited 2019 May 17]; 6 (4): 122.
  • Barker A, Sethi A, Shulkin E, Caniza R, Zerbel S, and Safdar N. Patient hand hygiene at home predicts their hand hygiene practices in the hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014; 35: 585 – 8.
  • Suner, A, Oruc OE, Buke C, Ozkaya HD, Kitapcioglu G. Evaluation of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology specialists’ preferences for hand hygiene: analysis using the multi-attribute utility theory and the analytic hierarchy process methods. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2017; 17: 129.
  • Bischoff WE, Reynolds TM, Sessler CN, Edmond MB, Wenzel RP. Handwashing compliance by health care workers: the impact of introducing an accessible, alcohol-based hand antiseptic. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 160:1017–21.
  • Maury E, Alzieu M, Baudel JL, Haram N, Barbut F, Guidet B, Offenstadt G. Availability of an alcohol solution can improve hand disinfection compliance in an intensive care unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000; 162:324–7.
  • Pittet D, Dharan S, Touveneau S, Sauvan V, Perneger TV. Bacterial contamination of the hands of hospital staff during routine patient care. Arch Intern Med. 1999; 159: 821-6.
  • Boyce JM, Pittet D, Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee, HIPAC/SHEA/ APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health Care Settings. Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HIPAC/SHEA/ APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America/Association for Professionals in Infection Control/Infectious Diseases Society of America. Am J Infect Control. 2002; 30:S1-S46. 12.
  • Cynthia P A. Bacterial Reduction of Hand Contamination: Hand Rubbing with Alcohol-Based Solution or Hand Washing with Soap and Water? Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing ISSN 2422-8419. An International Peer-reviewed Journal. 2019; Vol.67, 66-71.
  • Therattil PJ, Yueh JH, Kordahi AM, Cherla DV, Lee ES, Granick MS. Randomized Controlled Trial of Antiseptic Hand Hygiene Methods in an Outpatient Surgery Clinic. Wound. 2015; 27 (12): 347-53.
  • Zaragoza M, Sallés M, Gomez J, Bayas JM, Trilla A. Handwashing with soap or alcoholic solutions? A randomized clinical trial of its effectiveness. Am J InfectControl.1999; 27: 258–61.
  • Lotfinejad N, Peters A, Tartari E, Frankhauser-Rodriguez C, Pires D, Pittet D. Hand hygiene in health care: 20 years of ongoing advances and perspectives. Lancet. Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages e209-e221.
  • McGuckin M, Waterman R, Shubin A. Consumer attitudes about healthcare-acquired infections and hand hygiene. Am J Med Qual. 2006; 21: 342– 6.
  • McGuckin M, Storr J, Longtin Y, Allegranzi B, Pittet D. Patient empowerment and multimodal hand hygiene promotion: a win-win strategy. Am J Med Qual. 2011; 26: 10-17.
  • Sande-Meijide M, Lorenzo-Gonzalez M, Mori-Gamarra F, Cortes-Gago I, Gonzalez-Vazquez A, MoureRodriguez L, Herranz-Urbasos M. Perceptions and attitudes of patients and health care workers toward patient empowerment in promoting hand hygiene. Am J Infect Control. 2019; 47: 45-50.
  • Sauvan V, Registe Rameau Y, Pagani L, Pittet D. Is patient participation useful to improve staff hand hygiene compliance in a geriatric hospital? Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2013;2(Suppl 1): P169.
  • Irmak HY. Hastanede yatan hastaların kişisel hijyen ile ilgili bilgi tutum ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi. T.C. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı: 2015.
  • Katz MG, Jacobson TA, Veledar E, Kripalani S. Patient literacy and question-asking behavior during the medical encounter: a mixed-methods analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2007; 22: 782-6

Hastanede yatan hastaların sağlık hizmetlerinde el hijyeni bilgilerinin değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 62 Sayı: 1, 81 - 94, 15.03.2023


Amaç: Son zamanlarda, el hijyenine uyumu artırmak üzere yapılan çalışmaların arasında en dikkat çekici girişimlerden biri, hastanede yatan hastaların bilgi düzeyi ve farkındalığını artırmaktır. Bu
çalışmanın amacı, hastanede yatan yetişkin hastaların, sağlık hizmetleri sunumu esnasındaki el hijyeni uygulamalarına ilişkin bazal bilgi ve farkındalık düzeylerini değerlendirmektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastanede yatan yetişkin hastalar, Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nün (DSÖ) el hijyenikılavuzuna göre hazırlanmış olan bilgileri ve hastalara ait demografik verileri içeren toplam 24 sorudan oluşan bir anket ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Bir Üniversite Hastanesi ile Sağlık Bakanlığı’na bağlı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi’nde yatan yetişkin 344 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Hastaların %51,7'si (n=165) erkek ve %63,8'i (n=206)
ortaokul veya daha düşük eğitim düzeyine sahipti. Eğitim durumları göz önüne alındığında; hastaya dokunmadan önce ve sonra, temiz/aseptik prosedürlerden önce, vücut sıvısına maruz kaldıktan sonra ve hasta çevresine dokunduktan sonra (p>0,05) el hijyenine duyulan ihtiyaç farkındalığı açısından bir fark bulunmadı. El hijyeni ihtiyacının farkındalığı, hastaların bakımında kullanılan tıbbi malzeme ve gereçlerle temastan sonra (%94,2'ye karşı %86,7, p=0,036) ve hasta çevresi ile temas sonrası (%96,1'e karşı %89,1, p=0,020), kadınlarda erkeklere göre daha yüksek olarak saptandı.
Sonuç: Hastaların el hijyeni konusunda bilgi eksikliklerinin bulunduğu, bu nedenle eğitilmelerinin sağlık çalışanlarında uyumu artıracak uyarı sisteminin oluşmasına katkı sağlayacağı düşünüldü.


  • Girou E, Stephan F, Novara A, Safar M, Fagon JY. Risk factors and outcome of nosocomial infections: results of a matched case-control study of ICU patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1998; 157: 1151-8.
  • Blot SI, Depuydt P, Annemans L, Benoit D, Hoste E, De Waele JJ, Decruyenaere J,Vogelaers D, Colardyn F, and Vandewoude KH.. Clinical and economic outcomes in critically ill patients with nosocomial catheterrelated bloodstream infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2005; 41: 1591-8.
  • Marchetti A, Rossiter R. Economic burden of healthcare-associated infection in US acute care hospitals: societal perspective. J Med Econ. 2013; 16: 1399-404.
  • McLaws ML. The relationship between hand hygiene and healthcare-associated infection: it’s complicated. Infect Drug Resistance. 2015; 8: 7-18. Lucet JC, Rigaud MP, Mentre F, Kassis N, Deblangy C, Andremontzx A and Bouvetx E. Hand contamination before and after different hand hygiene techniques: a randomized clinical trial. J Hosp Infect. 2002; 50: 276-80.
  • Randle J, Clarke M, Stor J. Hand hygiene compliance in healthcare workers. J Hosp Infect. 2006;64: 205-9.
  • Erasmus V, Daha TJ, Brug H, Richardus JH, Behrendt MD, Vos MC, van Beeck EF. Systematic review of studies on compliance with hand hygiene guidelines in hospital care. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2010; 31:283294.
  • World Health Organization. A Guide to the Implementation of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy [Internet]. Geneva: WHO; 2009 [Accessed 17.4.2020.].
  • Boyce JM. Hand hygiene compliance monitoring: current perspectives from the USA. J Hosp Infect. 2008; 70: 2-7.
  • Longtin Y, Farquet N, Gayet-Ageron A, Sax H, Pittet D. Caregivers’ perceptions of patients as reminder to improve hand hygiene. Arch Intern Med. 2012; 172: 1516- 7.
  • Longtin Y, Sax H, Allegranzi B, Hugonnet S, Pittet D. Patients’ beliefs and perceptions of their participation to increase healthcare worker compliance with hand hygiene. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009; 30: 830-9.
  • Longtin Y, Sax H, Leape LL, Sheridan SE, Donaldson L, and Pittet D. Patient Participation: Current knowledge and applicability to patient safety. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85: 53–62.
  • McGuckin M, Waterman R, Porten L, Bello S, Caruso M, Juzaitis B, Krug E, Mazer S, Ostrawski S. Patient education model for increasing handwashing compliance. Am J Infect Control. 1999; 27: 309-14.
  • Zerlyn LB, Joanna L, Yi LL, JoAnne F, Debbie J B, Catherine M, Tracey S, Jocelyn A. S.Patient, family, and visitor hand hygiene knowledge, attitudes, and practices at pediatric and maternity hospitals: A descriptive study. Am J of Infect Control. 2021; 49: 8. 1000-7.
  • World Health Organization, WHO Guidelines on Hand Hygiene in Health Care: First Global Patient Safety Challenge. Clean care is safer care . WHO; 2009.
  • Anderson LJ, Warren CA, Perez E, Louis IR, Phillips S, Wheeler J, Cole M, Misra R. Gender and ethnic differences in hand hygiene practices among college students. Am J Infect Control. 2008; 36: 361-8.
  • Taylor JK, J. Basco R, Zaied A, Ward C. Hand hygiene knowledge of college students. Clin Lab Sci. 2010; 23: 89-93.
  • Borchgrevink CP, Cha JM, Kim SH. Hand washing practices in a college town environment. J Environ Health. 2013; 75: 18-24.
  • Grayson ML, Stewardson AJ, Russo PL, Ryan KE, Olsen KL, Havers SM, Greig S, Cruickshank M. Effects Of The Australian National Hand Hygiene Initiative After 8 Years On İnfection Control Practices, Health-Care Worker Education, And Clinical Outcomes: A Longitudinal Study. Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Nov 1 [cited 2019 May 17]; 18 (11): 1269–77.
  • Farhoudi F, Sanaei Dashti A, Hoshangi Davani M, Ghalebi N, Sajadi G, Taghizadeh R. Impact of WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement Program Implementation: A Quasi-Experimental Trial. Biomed Res Int. 2016 [cited 2019 May 17]; 2016: 7026169.
  • Alshammari M, Reynolds K, Verhougstraete M, O’Rourke M. Comparison of Perceived and Observed Hand Hygiene Compliance in Healthcare Workers in MERS-CoV Endemic Regions. Healthcare. 2018 Oct 7 [cited 2019 May 17]; 6 (4): 122.
  • Barker A, Sethi A, Shulkin E, Caniza R, Zerbel S, and Safdar N. Patient hand hygiene at home predicts their hand hygiene practices in the hospital. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2014; 35: 585 – 8.
  • Suner, A, Oruc OE, Buke C, Ozkaya HD, Kitapcioglu G. Evaluation of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology specialists’ preferences for hand hygiene: analysis using the multi-attribute utility theory and the analytic hierarchy process methods. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2017; 17: 129.
  • Bischoff WE, Reynolds TM, Sessler CN, Edmond MB, Wenzel RP. Handwashing compliance by health care workers: the impact of introducing an accessible, alcohol-based hand antiseptic. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 160:1017–21.
  • Maury E, Alzieu M, Baudel JL, Haram N, Barbut F, Guidet B, Offenstadt G. Availability of an alcohol solution can improve hand disinfection compliance in an intensive care unit. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000; 162:324–7.
  • Pittet D, Dharan S, Touveneau S, Sauvan V, Perneger TV. Bacterial contamination of the hands of hospital staff during routine patient care. Arch Intern Med. 1999; 159: 821-6.
  • Boyce JM, Pittet D, Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee, HIPAC/SHEA/ APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Health Care Settings. Recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HIPAC/SHEA/ APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America/Association for Professionals in Infection Control/Infectious Diseases Society of America. Am J Infect Control. 2002; 30:S1-S46. 12.
  • Cynthia P A. Bacterial Reduction of Hand Contamination: Hand Rubbing with Alcohol-Based Solution or Hand Washing with Soap and Water? Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing ISSN 2422-8419. An International Peer-reviewed Journal. 2019; Vol.67, 66-71.
  • Therattil PJ, Yueh JH, Kordahi AM, Cherla DV, Lee ES, Granick MS. Randomized Controlled Trial of Antiseptic Hand Hygiene Methods in an Outpatient Surgery Clinic. Wound. 2015; 27 (12): 347-53.
  • Zaragoza M, Sallés M, Gomez J, Bayas JM, Trilla A. Handwashing with soap or alcoholic solutions? A randomized clinical trial of its effectiveness. Am J InfectControl.1999; 27: 258–61.
  • Lotfinejad N, Peters A, Tartari E, Frankhauser-Rodriguez C, Pires D, Pittet D. Hand hygiene in health care: 20 years of ongoing advances and perspectives. Lancet. Volume 21, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages e209-e221.
  • McGuckin M, Waterman R, Shubin A. Consumer attitudes about healthcare-acquired infections and hand hygiene. Am J Med Qual. 2006; 21: 342– 6.
  • McGuckin M, Storr J, Longtin Y, Allegranzi B, Pittet D. Patient empowerment and multimodal hand hygiene promotion: a win-win strategy. Am J Med Qual. 2011; 26: 10-17.
  • Sande-Meijide M, Lorenzo-Gonzalez M, Mori-Gamarra F, Cortes-Gago I, Gonzalez-Vazquez A, MoureRodriguez L, Herranz-Urbasos M. Perceptions and attitudes of patients and health care workers toward patient empowerment in promoting hand hygiene. Am J Infect Control. 2019; 47: 45-50.
  • Sauvan V, Registe Rameau Y, Pagani L, Pittet D. Is patient participation useful to improve staff hand hygiene compliance in a geriatric hospital? Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2013;2(Suppl 1): P169.
  • Irmak HY. Hastanede yatan hastaların kişisel hijyen ile ilgili bilgi tutum ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi. T.C. Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Halk Sağlığı Anabilim Dalı: 2015.
  • Katz MG, Jacobson TA, Veledar E, Kripalani S. Patient literacy and question-asking behavior during the medical encounter: a mixed-methods analysis. J Gen Intern Med. 2007; 22: 782-6
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hacer Deniz Özkaya

Aslı Suner

Çağrı Büke

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Mart 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 10 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023Cilt: 62 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Özkaya HD, Suner A, Büke Ç. Hastanede yatan hastaların sağlık hizmetlerinde el hijyeni bilgilerinin değerlendirilmesi. ETD. 2023;62(1):81-94.

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