ISSN: 1016-9113
e-ISSN: 2147-6500
Founded: 1962
Publisher: Ege University
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2024 - Volume: 63 Issue: 3

Research Article

6. The relationship of gros anomalies of the umbilical cord and placental pathologies

Research Article

12. The Incidence of malignancy in nodular goiter in endemic and non-endemic regions.

Research Article

Türkiye'deki iki referans yanık merkezinin üç yıllık veriler eşliğinde değerlendirilmesi

Research Article

Mid-Term Outcomes of Osgood-Schlatter Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Excision

Research Article

Effect of Preoperative C-Reactive Protein/Albumin Ratio on Postoperative Survial in Gastric Adenocarcinomas

Research Article

Akut Kolesistitin Ciddi Bir Komplikasyonu Olan Safra Kesesi Perforasyonunun Klinik Yönetimi: Yüksek Volümlü Tek Merkez Sonuçlarımız

Case Report

Management of a Corneal Perforation Due to Resistant Peripheral Ulcerative Keratitis by Repeated Tectonic Patch Grafting Combined with Conjunctival Resection

Research Article

The Application of BLUE (Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency) protocol in the Emergency Department

Research Article

Labia majoraplasti ile ilgili klinik deneyimimiz


Yara iyileşmesi ve cilt rejenerasyonuna güncel bir yaklaşım: Kök hücre eksozom tedavisi

Research Article

İdiyopatik Pulmoner Fibroziste Seri Solunum Fonksiyon Testlerinin Prognozu Belirlemedeki Önemi "Retrospektif Analiz''

Research Article

Impact of KLF4, SHH, and Hif1a Knockdown on miRNA Expression in Malign Melanoma Cancer Stem Cells

Research Article

Size-dependent toxicological effects comparison of Aluminum Oxide Nanoparticles (Al2O3 NPs)

Research Article

Retrospective Results of Our Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) Experience

Research Article

Labioplasti Ameliyatı Yapılan Hastalarda Sosyal ve Klinik Nedenler

Case Report

Case Report: Management of Phytolacca americana " dragonberries " Poisoning

Research Article

Smoking, Drinking and Food Addiction in Youth in Türkiye

Research Article

Cilde Uygulanan Ağrılı Elektrik Uyarısıyla Üst Ekstremite Kaslarında Oluşan Eşzamanlı Refleks Yanıtların Elektromiyografi ile İncelenmesi

Research Article

Assessment of Serum Bisphenol A levels in Autoimmune thyroiditis: A case-control study


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